Friday 2/17/23
Skill-work 4 Sets 6-8 Incline Barbell Bench Press Accessory 2 sets 15 Banded Tricep Push-Downs 15 Banded Face Pulls Conditioning: As Many Rounds In 20 Minutes 15 Supinated strict…
Skill-work 4 Sets 6-8 Incline Barbell Bench Press Accessory 2 sets 15 Banded Tricep Push-Downs 15 Banded Face Pulls Conditioning: As Many Rounds In 20 Minutes 15 Supinated strict…
Skill-work: 3 Sets Completed As a super Set 15 Hang Muscle Snatch As heavy as possible 15 Snatch Grip Bent over Rows from the Floor Rest 1:30 Conditioning: For Time: …
Skill-work: 5 X 3 Front Squat Conditioning: 15-10-5 Thrusters Bar MU’s RX(135/95)
Skill-work: Core Work Accumulate 4 Min Weighted Plank Hold 3 Min Hollow Hold 2 Min L -sit Hold Conditioning: 10 Rounds 10 Burpees 10 T2B 200 M Run
Skill-work: 5 X Complex ( 2 Power Cleans + 2 HS Cleans + 2 Jerks) Conditioning: As Many Rounds In 10 Minutes 7 Clean and Jerks 21 DU’s RX(135,95)