Saturday 1/7/23
Conditioning: 10 Rounds 30 DU’s 15 Pull-ups 20 KB Swings (53/35) 100 M Sprint Rest 30 secs between Rounds Goal to sprint each Round
Conditioning: 10 Rounds 30 DU’s 15 Pull-ups 20 KB Swings (53/35) 100 M Sprint Rest 30 secs between Rounds Goal to sprint each Round
Skill-work: 2-3 Rounds 20 weighted wall Ball Sit Ups 20 Windmills w/KB 20 Rower Slides Conditioning: 3 Rounds 200 M Farmers Carry 10 Wall Walks 30 weighted Jump Lunges (20,30)…
Skill-work OH Squat 3 X 10 Conditioning: 21-15-9-6-3 Hang Squat Snatch Burpee Box Jump (24”,20”) RX(75/55)
Skill-work: DeadLifts 5 X 5 Conditioning: As Many Rounds 20 Minutes 20 Cal Bike 15 Deadlifts (205/135) 20 DBall Slams (40/25)
Skill-work: Skill Work 2-3 Rounds 15 Skull Crushers 15 DB Bicep Curls 15 Rear Delt Flys 15 Lateral Raises Conditioning: 3 Rounds 50 Air Squats 21 Ring Dips 15 Hang…