Wednesday 9/20/23
Skill-work: 5 X 2 Push Jerk + 2 Split Jerk Accessory 3 Rounds 12 X Bicep Curls 12 X Lateral Raises Conditioning: AMR 15 MIns 12 KB Swings 12…
Skill-work: 5 X 2 Push Jerk + 2 Split Jerk Accessory 3 Rounds 12 X Bicep Curls 12 X Lateral Raises Conditioning: AMR 15 MIns 12 KB Swings 12…
Skill-work: 4 X SuperSet 10 X Bench Press (fast Explosive Reps) 10 X Weighted Dips Conditioning: “Nancy Meets Nicole” 400 M Run 15 OH Squats (95/65) 15 Pull Ups
Skill-work: Power Clean 6 X 3 No TNG Conditioning: For Time: EMOM for 15 MIns 8 Burpees 8 T2B 8 Dball Slams (40/20) RX(115/75)
20 Min AMRAP: (with a partner) 20 Thrusters (115/75) 20 Box Jumps (24/20) 20 Burpees 30 Thrusters (95/65) 30 Box Jumps 30 Burpees 40 Thrusters (75 45) 40 Box Jumps…
Skill-work: Gymnastics Bench Mark 50 Strict HSPU For Time Modify to Seated KB or DB Press Everytime you break the set complete 20 Hollow Rocks Conditioning: AMR 15 Mins 100…