Monday 3/27/22
Skill-work: Build to a Heavy Clean and Jerk Then Complete 2 Reps Every 90 secs for 6 Rounds Can add weight as you go. Conditioning: “Holy Grip” As Many UB…
Skill-work: Build to a Heavy Clean and Jerk Then Complete 2 Reps Every 90 secs for 6 Rounds Can add weight as you go. Conditioning: “Holy Grip” As Many UB…
Conditioning: All Out Sprint For Max Reps 6 Rounds 30 secs Max KB Swings (70/53) 1 Minute Rest 30 secs Max C2B Pull-ups 1 Min Rest 30 secs Max Wall…
12 Minutes Work to 5RM Bench At the Finish of each attempt complete Max Strict Ring Dips Conditioning: Sprint to Rest 6 Rounds at All Out Intensity 10 HP Snatch …
Skill-work: 2 Rounds 20 GHD Sit-ups 30 V-ups 20 Ring Out and Backs ( Like a rollOut on Rings) 30 Hollow Rocks or 30 sec Hollow Hold Conditioning: 50-40-30-20-10 Row…
Skill-work: Thruster 5 X 3 Conditioning: 21-15-9-6 Back Squats DB Burpee Deadlifts RX (165/115)