Tuesday 4/11/23
Skill-work: 10-8-6-2 Bent Over Barbell Row Then EMOM for 7 Minutes Strict UB Pull-ups **Pick a doable number can accomplish each min for whole 7 Minutes Conditioning: For Time 100…
Skill-work: 10-8-6-2 Bent Over Barbell Row Then EMOM for 7 Minutes Strict UB Pull-ups **Pick a doable number can accomplish each min for whole 7 Minutes Conditioning: For Time 100…
Skill-work: Bench Press 4 X 10 Accessory 2 sets 12 Ring Sprawls Conditioning: AMRAP 14 Minutes 10 Clean and Jerks 10 HR Push-ups 10 Box Jumps (24,30) RX(95/65)
Conditioning: For Time 35 Min Cap 1000 M Row 50 Medball Cleans 50 KB Cleans 50 abmat sit-ups 50 HR Push-ups 750 Row 40 40 40 40 500 Row 30…
Skill-work: Every 30 secs for 6 Minutes 2 TNG Power Snatch Conditioning: As Many Reps In 12 Minutes 2 DeadLifts 3 Bar MU’s 4 DeadLifts 3 Bar MU’s 6 DeadLifts …
Skill-work: 4 X 5 1 Wall Walk + 1 Front Facing HSPU MOD to 1 Box Walk+ 3 Pike Pushups SuperSet 4 X 8 Glute Ham Raises Conditioning: 4 Rounds …