Thursday 5/18/23
Skill-work: 3 rounds 12 each Back Step Lunge off Plate 12 Good mornings Conditioning: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 DeadLifts 20 Jump Lunges DB weighted 200 M Run
Wednesday 5/17/23
Skill-work: Pec and Tricep 4 Sets 12 Close Grip Bench Press 8 Strict Seated Muscle ups (banded or strict or assisted) 12 Banded Tricep Push downs Conditioning: 8 Rounds 90…
Tuesday 5/16/23
Endurance Skillwork:: Row Intervals 12 Rounds 20 secs All Out 40 Secs Rest Conditioning : 5 Rounds 20 Russian KB Swings (70,53) 15 Front Squats 15 T2B RX(115/75)
Monday 5/15/23
Skill-work: 7 X 1 Power Clean +1 HS Clean + 1 Jerks Complex **Ascending Build to a Heavy Conditioning: 4 X 3 Min AMR Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds 6…