Tuesday 6-13-23
Skill-work: 5 X 5 Back Squats 5 X 6 Glute Ham Raises Can Complete as a superset but must rest between sets Conditioning: 4 Rounds As Many Reps In 3…
Skill-work: 5 X 5 Back Squats 5 X 6 Glute Ham Raises Can Complete as a superset but must rest between sets Conditioning: 4 Rounds As Many Reps In 3…
Skill-work: Complete as a Superset Bench Press 5 X 5 Max Reps Ring Rows Elevated Feet Conditioning: For Time 4 Rounds 500 M Row 20 Push Press 30 Weighted Abmat…
Conditioning: 30 Min Time CAP to Complete As Much As possible 2 Rounds For Time 30 Alternating DB Snatch 20 Echo Bike Cals 20 DB Push Press Adv HSPU strict …
Skill-work: DeadLift 5 X 5 SuperSet With 5 X 5 Strict Pull-ups Weighted Heavier than last time Conditioning: AMR 12 Minutes 12 Burpee Tuck Jumps 6 Bar MU’s…
Skill-work: Body Weight Skillwork 50 Ft HS Walk or 10 Wall Walks ( NO skidding down walls) 10 Max Height Box Jumps ( Keep Adding Plates) 15 Weighted Atomic Sit-ups …