Thursday 6/13/24
Skill- Deadlift build to heavy 3 (85/90% or known 1RM) (20 minutes max) Conditioning- 10 min AMRAP 2-4-6...etc DB Snatch 50/35# (total reps) Burpee Box Jump Over
Skill- Deadlift build to heavy 3 (85/90% or known 1RM) (20 minutes max) Conditioning- 10 min AMRAP 2-4-6...etc DB Snatch 50/35# (total reps) Burpee Box Jump Over
Skill- Deadlift build to heavy 3 (85/90% or known 1RM) (20 minutes max) Conditioning- 10 min AMRAP 2-4-6...etc DB Snatch 50/35# (total reps) Burpee Box Jump Over
Skill- Weighted Dips - build to 3RM (or find band or height for box dips) Conditioning- 5rds 50 DU (100 single) 10 Back Squat 125/65#