Tuesday 10/1/24
Skillwork: Barbell Bench Press 5x6 Build to heavy. Then 3 sets of 6 reps Dips (matador, rings) WOD 21-15-9-3 Box jumps Push Press GHD sit ups *200 m run after…
Skillwork: Barbell Bench Press 5x6 Build to heavy. Then 3 sets of 6 reps Dips (matador, rings) WOD 21-15-9-3 Box jumps Push Press GHD sit ups *200 m run after…
Skillwork Barbell front Squats *with a Two Second Pause/Hold at the bottom 4x10 Light to moderate weight. Focus on form. WOD 5x3 min amrap with 1 min rest between rounds…
Skillwork. Barbell Back Squats 6x6 Build to heavy. Drop set last set. Then Bulgarian Split Squats 4x12 Heavy Enough Conditioning. (set INT timer 45 rds of 20 sec work 10…
Skillwork. Bench Isolated Row 5x10 Heavy. Then Rings Rows 5x12 Conditioning. 4 rounds for time 12 Underhand Pull Ups (Chin Ups) 12 Renegade Rows (35/20) 12 KB swings (53/35) 12…