Saturday 10/5/24
Deck of Cards Hearts: hspu Diamonds: box jump overs Clubs: air squats Spade: ball slams Jack: 15 kb swings Queen: 200 m run King: 25 du Ace: 15 kb thrusters
Deck of Cards Hearts: hspu Diamonds: box jump overs Clubs: air squats Spade: ball slams Jack: 15 kb swings Queen: 200 m run King: 25 du Ace: 15 kb thrusters
Skillwork DB Thrusters 4x12 Then Barbell Strict Press 4x12 Build. WOD Buy in 2000 m Row Then 30 Clean and Jerks Rx (135/95) Int (115/80) Mod (95/65)
Skillwork Pull Ups (Challenging Ring Rows) 4x12 Then Renegade Rows 4x12 (35lb/20lb) WOD "Cluster F*ck" time cap 15:00 for time 10 clusters 95/65 10 bar facing burpees 8 clusters 115/80…
Skillwork: Barbell Bench Press 5x6 Build to heavy. Then 3 sets of 6 reps Dips (matador, rings) WOD 21-15-9-3 Box jumps Push Press GHD sit ups *200 m run after…
Skillwork Barbell front Squats *with a Two Second Pause/Hold at the bottom 4x10 Light to moderate weight. Focus on form. WOD 5x3 min amrap with 1 min rest between rounds…