Monday 9/23/24
Skillwork. Barbell Deadlift 6x6 Building to heavy Then 20 Bench isolated Dumbbell Rows Conditioning. 3 rounds 500m Row 5 Wall Walks 10 Devils Press 10 Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts (each…
Skillwork. Barbell Deadlift 6x6 Building to heavy Then 20 Bench isolated Dumbbell Rows Conditioning. 3 rounds 500m Row 5 Wall Walks 10 Devils Press 10 Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts (each…
20 rounds for time 2 power cleans (125/185), (95/135), (65/95) 3 box jumps (20/24) 4 c2b pull ups
Skillwork: Turkish Get Ups 5x5 each side (moderate weight) Then Barbell Split Jerk 5x5 Conditioning: 3 rounds. 12 Barbell Strict Press 12 Bench DB reverse flies 12 Standing DB Lateral…
Skillwork: Weighted Pull Ups 5x6 Then Single Arm DB Bench Rows 5x10 Conditioning: 20 min. AMRAP 10 Renegade Rows 10 KB Swings 10 Chin Ups 10 Push ups 10 Supinated…
Skillwork: Barbell Bench Press 5x10 (last set drop set) Then Split Squats 5x 10. Each leg. Challenging weight. Conditioning: 3 rounds 10 Dips. Matador, Bench, Rings, assisted. 12 Wide push…