Saturday 3/1/25
Skill-work: Heavy Sled Pulls 100 M X 3 Conditioning: 35 Minutes to Complete for Time 5 Rounds 20 KB Swings 10 HR Push-ups 6 30 Ft Shuttle Sprints with Touches…
Skill-work: Heavy Sled Pulls 100 M X 3 Conditioning: 35 Minutes to Complete for Time 5 Rounds 20 KB Swings 10 HR Push-ups 6 30 Ft Shuttle Sprints with Touches…
Skill-work: 4 X Press BurnOuts Ascending Weight Strict Press - Push Press- Push Jerk Rest 90 secs **When can no longer strict press Push Press ,No longer Push Press Push…
Skill-work: 3 Rounds NFT 12 Landmine T Bar Rows 10 Seated Chest to Ring L Sit Pull-ups 10 Non Banded Muscle Up Transitions Conditioning: 3 Rounds 1000 M Row 20…
Skill-work: 5 Rounds Build to a Heavy 5 RM Back Squat SuperSet 12 Banded Heavy KB or DB RDLs **Band attached at the hips Conditioning: 5 Rounds For Total Reps …
Skill-work: Endurance Work 4 X 400 M Sprints Rest 90 secs Between Sets Conditioning: 7 Rounds 7 Strict Pull-ups 7 Strict HSPU 7 Strict T2B 7 Strict Ring Dips Mod…