Tuesday 2/18/25
Skill-work: 2 Rounds 20 GHD Sit-ups 20 V-ups 20 Ring Out and Backs ( Like a rollOut on Rings) 20 Hollow Rocks or 30 sec Hollow Hold Conditioning: 50-40-30-20-10 Row…
Skill-work: 2 Rounds 20 GHD Sit-ups 20 V-ups 20 Ring Out and Backs ( Like a rollOut on Rings) 20 Hollow Rocks or 30 sec Hollow Hold Conditioning: 50-40-30-20-10 Row…
Skill-work: Thruster 5 X 3 increasing in weight Rest between sets Conditioning: 21-15-9-6 Back Squats (165/115) Devils Press (35/25)
Conditioning: 5 Rounds 400 M Run 50 Ab mat sit ups 40 HR Push-ups 30 hang Power Snatch 20 DB Walking Lunges 10 T2B
Skill-work: Build to Heavy 2 Rep Then Every 2 Minutes for 4 Rounds 5-8 Heavy DeadlIfts Accessory 2-3 Rounds 12 Gliding Hamstring Curls ( Use Ring and Box) 12 Reverse…
Skill-work: Gymnastics PLyo Skill 12 Minute AMRAP 4 Wall Walks or Box walks 8 x 30 “ Box Jumps (or a higher than usual height) KB Uneven walks 1 up…