Wednesday 2/12/25
Skill-work: Build to a Heavy 3 Rep FS in 4-5 sets then Every Minute On Minute for 10 Minutes 3 Heavy Front Squats Try to use same weight all way…
Skill-work: Build to a Heavy 3 Rep FS in 4-5 sets then Every Minute On Minute for 10 Minutes 3 Heavy Front Squats Try to use same weight all way…
Skill-work: 6 Rounds 30 Secs Max Echo Bike 1 Min Rest Conditioning: 5 Rds 1 min stations Battle ropes Ski erg Goblet squats KB swings 1 min rest
Skill-work: 8 min to build to a heavy 1 rep power clean then Every 2 Minutes for 8 Minutes Complete 3 Reps @ 75% of max just found Conditioning: As…
Conditioning: “Fat Amy” 50 air squats 10 burpees 40 sit ups 10 burpees 30 alt lunges 10 burpees 20 KB swings (53/35) 10 burpees 10 M bear crawl 10 burpees…
Skill-work: EMOM X 12 Minutes 1 Clean Pull + 1 Full Clean Increasing weight Conditioning: For Time: 21 Cal Row 21 Clusters (95/65)(Squat Clean thrusters) 18 Cal Row 18 Clusters …