Friday 8/16/24
Skill: Max out Clean- In 15 minutes, build to heavy single clean, power or squat Conditioning: 12 min AMRAP 10 Back Squats 115/85 8 Sit Ups 6 Push Ups 4…
Skill: Max out Clean- In 15 minutes, build to heavy single clean, power or squat Conditioning: 12 min AMRAP 10 Back Squats 115/85 8 Sit Ups 6 Push Ups 4…
Skill: Deadlifts 20 minutes to find Heavy 3 for today Superset with max effort strict pull ups or seated pull ups Conditioning 4 Rounds For Time 15 Deadlifts 15 Box…
Skill: 3 Rounds, not for time 150m double KB front rack carry 100m Right arm Overhead KB carry 100m Left arm Overhead KB carry 150m Farmer’s carry *find a KB…
Skill: 5 Sets (build for 2-3 sets, then the same weight for the rest): 4 front squats + 3 back squats *Watch your form, keep those elbows high “DT -…
Skill: 4 Sets: 2 Strict Press + 3 Push Press Every 2 minutes on the minute for 8 minutes *try for 5-10# more than last week Conditioning: 10km Row for…