Saturday 7-1-23
Conditioning: 20 Burpee Broad Jump Buy In Then 3 Rounds 400 M Run 20 Power Cleans 20 Pistol Squats 20 T2B RX(75/115) Then 20 Burpee Broad Jumps
Conditioning: 20 Burpee Broad Jump Buy In Then 3 Rounds 400 M Run 20 Power Cleans 20 Pistol Squats 20 T2B RX(75/115) Then 20 Burpee Broad Jumps
Skill-work: DeadLifts 5 X 5 Conditioning: 4 Rounds 20 Box Jumps (24”, 20”) 20 HSPU 20 Wall Balls 20 Echo Bike Cals
Skill-work: Gymnastics Skill 2 Rounds 20 Parallette Shoot Throughs 20 Straight leg Pass Over divider or Dumbell 20 Shoulder Taps 1 Min Handstand Hold (Adv Freestanding) Conditioning: 5 Rounds 3…
Skill-work: 12 Minutes to Build to a Heavy 1 Snatch Lift Off + 1 Snatch High Pull + 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 OHS Conditioning: 8 Rounds 10 KB…
Skill-work: 3 Rounds 10-12 Banded Negatives to really focus on lats 10-12 1 Arm DB Row Conditioning: 6 Rounds 1 Minute Ring Dips 1 Minute Clean and Jerks 1 Minute…