Wednesday 11/1/23
Skill-work: 10 Mins Build to a Heavy Snatch 2 Reps EMOM @80% Conditioning: 21- 15- 9 Power Snatch Ring Push-ups 14 Pistol Squats Each Round RX(115/75)
Skill-work: 10 Mins Build to a Heavy Snatch 2 Reps EMOM @80% Conditioning: 21- 15- 9 Power Snatch Ring Push-ups 14 Pistol Squats Each Round RX(115/75)
Skill-work: Gymnastics SkillWork EMOM for 12 Mins Min 1: 50 DU’s Min 2 : 7 Strict HSPU or 10 DB or barbell Z Press Conditioning: As Many Rounds in 15…
Skill-work: Back Squat 5-5-3-3-1-1 Conditioning: 3 Rounds For Time: 500 M Row 20 WallBalls 20 Burpees 6”Reach 20 T2B
Conditioning: As Many Rounds in 12 Mins 7 Front Squat (95/135) 7 Pull-ups Rest 2 Mins As Many Rounds in 12 Mins 6 Man Makers 12 DB step Ups
Skill-work: Strict Press 5-5-3-3-1-1 Conditioning: For Time AMR 8 Mins 8 HS Snatch 10 KB Swings Rest 2 Mins AMR 8 Mins 10 Ring Dips 10 SDHP 1 X 4…