Monday 3/10/25
Skill-work: 3 Rounds 1 arm Farmers Carry 100 M (switch sides halfway) 1 min Plank 4 TGU (2 per arm) Conditioning: Open Wod 25.2 For Time 21 Pull-Ups 42 Double-Unders…
Skill-work: 3 Rounds 1 arm Farmers Carry 100 M (switch sides halfway) 1 min Plank 4 TGU (2 per arm) Conditioning: Open Wod 25.2 For Time 21 Pull-Ups 42 Double-Unders…
Conditioning: Chipper 50 Jumping Pull-ups 4 Cone Suicide Sprint 50 HR Push Ups 4 Cone Suicide Sprint 50 Walking Lunges (20/30) 4 Cone Suicide Sprint 50 DB Clean and Jerk…
Skill-work CG Bench Press 5 X 5 30 Sec Nose and Toes Hold Between Complete as a Super Set Conditioning: 4 Rounds 1 Min Push ups 1 Min Pull-ups 1…
Skill-work: 3 Rounds 100 M Farmers Carry Heavy 30 Russian Banded KB swings Conditioning: 3 Rounds 25 Burpees 25 GHD Sit-ups 400 M Run
Skill-work: 5 X 3 Hang Squat Cleans Rest 3 secs at bottom of each clean Conditioning: AMR 20 Mins 7 Reps of the Bear Complex Unbroken (65/95) (Power Clean, Front…