Saturday 3/18/23
Conditioning: 5 Rounds 400 M Run (500 m row if needed) 40 HR Push-ups 30 SDHP 20 Walking Lunges Wtd
Conditioning: 5 Rounds 400 M Run (500 m row if needed) 40 HR Push-ups 30 SDHP 20 Walking Lunges Wtd
Skill-work: Build to Heavy 2 Rep Every 2 Minutes for 4 Rounds 5-8 Heavy DeadlIfts Accessory 2-3 Rounds 12 Gliding Hamstring Curls ( Use Ring and Box) 12 Reverse Hypers…
Skill-work: Gymnastics PLyo Skill 12 Minutes to Accumulate 4 Wall Walks or Box walks 8 30 “ Box Jumps KB Uneven walks 1 up oh and 1 farmer 50 M …
Skill-work: 7 Rounds 45 Secs Max Echo Bike 1 Min Rest Conditioning: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Devils Press T2B